Mandala Scan

3.0 by Light Mandalas

關於Mandala Scan

The Mandala Scan - is a tablet based evaluation tool detecting the degrees of deviation between the user’s Biomatrix Field and libraries of resonant supstances, identifies the most beneficial homeopathic remedies, Essential oils, Flower essences , crystals, emotional, mental and energetic (psycho-spiritual) issues, allergies and toxins and reports the findings.

M’Scan applies specific resonant frequencies to the user and then registers the response on the informational level. If the resonance is high or low this will, depending on the selected mode, trigger a specific response from the M’Scan system. M’Scan goes into a feedback loop where it asks the body whether or not it wants more of a specific frequency and detects the body’s response . The body decides the results. Then produces a report.

Over 5,000 items in the Database including:

Homeopathic remedies

Crystals & Gem stones

Vitamins & Minerals

Emotional Stress patterns

Chemicals & toxins

Feng Shui (Geopathic)

Environmental allergy causing agents Harmonizing

Herbs (Oriental, Western)


Flower remedies

Mental peek performance

Essential oils

Emotional peek performance

Easily customizable database – items and remedies can be added used in your practice or field of expertise, which can be used for analysis and balancing. Pre-programmed Mandala Sphere resonance library for over 1000 items and growing.

The FDA does not regulate Bioresonance tools but they do regulate biofeedback tools and some Bioresonance tools are registered under this category. It is a legal requirement at this time that the user does not make any medical claims of diagnosis or cure.


Last updated on 2015年12月16日
Session Report bug fixed.





Kai Luth


Android 4.2+




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