Get Organized Guide

1.2 by applearningpurpose - Halim

關於Get Organized Guide

數百萬款最新的 Android 應用程式、遊戲、音樂、電影、電視節目、書籍、雜誌等項目盡在其中,歡迎隨時隨地透過您的各種裝置取得。

It's time to GET ORGANIZED! Yes, here is a guide to help you get organized. You may think, "hey getting organized is simple, why do I need a guide?" or some other disbelief but it is not as what you think it is. Some business owners even hire an organizers!

Here are 5 tips:

1. Tell yourself that no matter what, some level of clutter with a child is going to happen.

2. Begin with messes and clutter that you see every day. Get organize your kitchen, garage, and family room before your hallway closet.

3. Use drawer dividers for socks, underwear, lingerie, and tiny items, to keep them separated and organized.

4. Use this same principle to organize your silverware, with clearly defined places for every fork and knife, or drawers for ties and socks or, underwear. Think in this same way for every aspect of your home. This will save many hours of searching for things. It will dramatically cut down on the clutter of items left out "for now" or "until I find a place for it." Develop a new mantra: everything has its place and a place for everything!

5. Allocate everything in your house a place. This way your family will know exactly where to find it and where to put it away, when they searches for something they need.

These are only 5 simple tips that have been share. There are tons more detailed information in this guide. Further more it is free! Get Organized now!





محمود حسن


Android 2.2+




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