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Bandsintown ikon

10.0 1 Ulasan

8.9.0 by Bandsintown

Apr 26, 2024

Mengenai Bandsintown


Find local concerts and buy tickets on the #1 rated and downloaded concert app

The highest rated and #1 downloaded concert discovery app for Android!

Easily buy tickets for your favorite artists and get local concert recommendations and alerts.

Bandsintown simplifies concert discovery by allowing you to track your favorite artists, receive alerts when they are touring near you, keep track of which shows you have RSVP’d to and share concert details with your friends. The concerts you RSVP to are then synced with your calendar, so you never miss another live show.

This free app scans your music libraries to learn who you are as a fan and what artists to track. Our algorithm also suggests similar sounding artists, helping you discover new bands and DJ's who are coming to your town.

✩ Get concert notifications for your favorite artists on tour

✩ Complete concert listings for every city

✩ Browse upcoming tour dates for any artist

✩ Syncs with your Spotify and Last.fm accounts

✩ Connect with Facebook and Twitter

✩ Buy tickets from hundreds of ticket sites, including directly in the app for supported tickets

✩ Use your contact list to invite friends to events or find friends already using Bandsintown

Simply connect your phone or tablet with your Android Wear device and you'll receive concert alerts right on your wrist. Page through the need-to-know info about the show, and RSVP all without having to take your phone out of your pocket.

Bandsintown uses two app permissions, which provides us with some personal data. First, we ask for your GPS location in order to determine where you are in relation to an event you're interested in attending. Second, we ask for permission to access your contacts to allow you to invite your friends to concerts they may be interested in attending. We do not store your contacts or your GPS location at any time, and in the case of contacts will only ever display them after you have given permissions for us to do so in the app.

Terms of Use: http://corp.bandsintown.com/terms

Privacy Policy: http://corp.bandsintown.com/privacy

◦ Bugs / Crash? Feedback? ◦

Email: suppport_android@bandsintown.com

Apa yang baru dalam versi terkini 8.9.0

Last updated on Apr 26, 2024

- Bug fixes

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