
4.03.03 by Jiaodian Technology Co., Ltd.
Apr 1, 2024 Old Versions

About MIC国际站

Made in China APP, is China manufacturing network (Made-in-China.com) for the English station members mobile office APP.

MIC International Station APP is a mobile office tool provided by Made-in-China.com for registered members of Chinese foreign trade enterprises. It facilitates supplier members to receive and process inquiries/purchasing needs anytime and anywhere, and negotiate with buyers in real time. Discover new activities and master platform dynamics and foreign trade information.

Made-in-China.com was founded in 1998 and is developed and operated by Focus Technology Co., Ltd. It is the leading comprehensive platform for full-link foreign trade services in China. Made in China.com is committed to exploring global business opportunities for Chinese suppliers and overseas buyers, and providing one-stop foreign trade services for both parties to achieve international trade. It has now become an important bridge for Chinese foreign trade enterprises to enter the international market and an important platform for overseas buyers to purchase Chinese products. important network channels.

【Core functions】

1. Customer communication and management (TradeMessenger messages)

Supplier members can negotiate online with overseas buyers in a timely manner, translate in real time, recommend products, and promote smooth business negotiations.

2. Inquiry reception and follow-up

Receive and process inquiries sent by platform buyers anytime and anywhere, view, reply, and assign inquiries, and keep abreast of buyer behavior records.

3. Procurement requirement quotation

Users can grasp the latest procurement requirements released by overseas buyers on the MIC International Station in real time, import product quick quotations with one click, and follow up on the quotation status.

4. Discover popular activities

Participating in events is more convenient, with daily reminders on the event calendar and one-click registration for popular events. For example, online special training activities, offline training activities, cloud exhibition registration, etc.

5. Get fresh information

Use fragmented time to quickly understand platform dynamics and important notices, grasp market trends and the latest policies, and learn from the successful experiences of peers.

6. Account business management

You can easily understand the data performance in your account, edit company information, manage live broadcasts and cloud exhibitions, reserve platform services, query advanced services, etc.

contact us:

PC official website: www.made-in-china.com

Mobile official website: m.made-in-china.com

Platform consultation hotline: 400 6777 600

What's New in the Latest Version 4.03.03

Last updated on Apr 26, 2024

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Aung Thu Naing

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