Darkstar ADWTheme

1.2 by Freekyfrogy (Chaz Dinkle)

关于Darkstar ADWTheme


UPDATE: Darkstar ADWTheme is now free!

To everyone who purchased this theme, I sincerely thank you. I appreciate all of your support, and it means a lot to know that my work has been appreciated by thousands of people around the world. While this theme has had a good run, unfortunately it is now very outdated and I am not able to continue development of it. Because of this, I'm making Darkstar free to download from now on for anyone who wants to give it a try!

Thank you all for your support,



Darkstar is a smooth dark theme, consisting of rounded corners and translucent icons. See the screenshots for pictures of all the icons that are themed. A wallpaper pack is also included that includes 9 wallpapers that go well with the theme.

Darkstar ADWTheme is based on the full Darkstar system theme for rooted phones, which can be found on XDA-Developers.com


- The Clock shown in the screenshots is "Beautiful Widgets" using the cashmerecube theme on 60% transparency

- If you are wondering why your app drawer icon isn't themed right after applying this theme, it is due to changes recently made in ADW version 1.3. In order to get the themed icon, long press on your homescreen and select "Custom Shortcut". Pick "Launcher Actions", then "Open/close App Drawer". Press the icon for the app drawer, then choose Darkstar from the ADWTheme IconPacks and pick out the app drawer icon. Now drag & drop the icon over the one in the drawer at the bottom and you're done :)

- For best results, re-apply the default wallpaper through the wallpaper pack after first applying the theme. For some reason ADW scales it wrong at first.

For questions/comments/suggestions/etc you can reach me at freekyfrogy@gmail.com


Last updated on 2017年01月11日
-Added wallpaper picker and several wallpapers
-Changed theme icon





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Android 1.6+




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可在安卓获取Darkstar ADWTheme的历史版本


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可在安卓获取Darkstar ADWTheme的历史版本


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