Qobuz for Android 2.2

2.06 দ্বারা Qobuz
Feb 24, 2014

Qobuz for Android 2.2 সম্পর্কে

Qobuz app for Android 2.2, 2.3 and 3.0

Music is back.

Qobuz.com is an online music service: subscriptions for unlimited streaming, high-quality downloads, music magazine. Its comprehensive catalogue covers all music genres, including all the major labels and a great many independent labels.

Qobuz is the only service in the world to offer unlimited streaming in true CD Quality (FLAC 16 bits/44 kHz), through its Qobuz Hi-Fi subscription.

The Qobuz app for Android smartphones and tablets enables you to enjoy your Purchases and Hi-Fi subscription in CD Quality, even when you are on the go and not connected.

সর্বশেষ সংস্করণ 2.06 এ নতুন কী

Last updated on Aug 21, 2015
Storage Management
* Fixed various problems with management of the SD card, especially with migration to another storage volume.
* Improved cache management.

Import Management
* Improved management while offline mode
* Improved import process: imports no longer stop in mid-download

Battery Management
* Optimized consumption by the application

* Massive fixes around the stability of the application.
* Fixed issues to specific Android device models.

অতিরিক্ত অ্যাপ তথ্য

সাম্প্রতিক সংস্করণ



محمد ابراهيم عمرو بندقجي

Android প্রয়োজন

Android 2.2+

রিপোর্ট করুন

অনুপযুক্ত হিসাবে ফ্ল্যাগ করুন

আরো দেখান

Qobuz for Android 2.2 বিকল্প

Qobuz এর থেকে আরো পান
